Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Grilled Cheese!

Today, I had one of my most FAVORITE meals! It is sooo simple, yet soo delicious! Watch my video and you will see!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hanna Montana!!

Today I made a Hannah Montana cake. It was fun. They really should come out with a Justin Bieber cake. I also made this present cake. It was fun. The only problem is that one of the girls I work with stuck her finger in the side (the little white spot). Make you hungry!!? I love decorating. So fun.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Today I Was

Today, I was tired
Today, I was loud
Today, I was happy
Today, I had a nappy

Today, I was calm
Today, I was silly
Today, I was merry
Today, I was Sherry

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Elder Uchtdorf knows best!

So, this blog was inspired by President Uchtrdorf. My deepest desire is to create. I one day will create my own family, which will bring life's greatest joys and sorrows, but until that point and even after I will continue to create beauty in the world that surrounds me. This is where I feel most like Sherry. This is what I was born for.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I am a Princess

I gave and I gave
while you took away
I loved and I loved
when all you wanted was to play

You took and you took
then you left me alone
I cried and I cried
til my heart turned to stone

I pushed and I pushed
to show you who I could be
over and over
It wasn't enough to just be me

I can't hold still
for when I do
my heart takes a beating
as I remember you

I am tired of moving
being tossed like a doll
I am a real girl
I am not your basketball

one day you will know
what you did to me
and every single tear that fell
you will surely see

God protects his daughters
every single one
I am a princess
and justice will be done

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Poem

When I was in Gr 11, my English teacher submitted our poems to a competition. Mine ended up being selected and was published in the Canadian 2002 edition of "A Celebration of Young Poets". This is the poem. I changed one word though...because I did not like it anymore.. so it is ALMOST origional.


My life is like a pumpkin
Carved out in the fall
Teenagers stomp it on the street
It isn't fun at all
My life is like a snowman
Constructed in the winter
By busy little tender hands
Unfortunately, the sun works faster
My life is like a butterfly
Fluttering on a summer's day
Without the cocoon it would be nothing
There is always a price to pay
My life is like a flower
Blooming in the spring
Resisting through harsh weather
For pollen it must bring
Yet throughout the seasons, life tends to grow
Pumpkins glow with trick or treat
And the sky gives off its snow
The flower reaches to the sun
The caterpillar receives its wings
Perhaps, that is why my life is full
of so many beautiful things

Monday, February 14, 2011

Priority Board

So, today I made a renewed commitment to always ensure that the essentials get done everyday. Sure, I could have bought a boring planner, but instead I decided to make it more visual and full of color. This motivates me more to get er done! So, incase you cannot read the words in the picture, I will write them here with the translation because it is in Sherry Silly code. :P My life is happier when I do these things more faithfully and with a positive attitude.

1. Give snuggles a pretty place = make my bed. (snuggles is my teddy bear)
2. Talk to God = Pray
3. Eat a yummy Breakfast = Eat
4. Get Perddy! = Make myself look and feel pretty and comfortable and confident!
5. Study the word of God = Read the Bible/Book of Mormon/ General conference...all that good stuff.
6. Refuel with Lunch = Eat some more!
7. Move the bod I got! = Exercise
8. Consume a nutritious and delicious dinner = ummm how are we so blessed to need food all the time!?
9. Plan and prep for tomorrow = self explanatory
10. Tidy Room and Kitchen = Be a good roommate!
11. Floss Sherry! = I should not have to have this on my priority board at 25 years old
12. Tell Heavenly Father about my day = Pray! :)


As yall know Jennie and I had a very memorable trip to california in 2008. On the airplane to Utah, where I was living at the time, she watched "The Bucket List". Consequently when she arrived we decided to create our our own bucket list to accomplish before we were 30! Then, for Christmas this year I bought her the movie and made a scrapbook photo album online with our favorite photos. Take a look! In fact, if you make it to the end, you will see our bucket list!

Click here to view this photo book larger

Sunday, February 13, 2011


I figure that I will introduce my love for color with this video that I made for a school project last year. Throughout this blog you will be seeing a lot of color. Color is a big part of my life and brings me a lot of joy.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Celebrity Match Making

So this was inspired by my brother. He started his own celebrity crush photo Album! Genius! I took it a step further and did some blogger matchmaking! My male celebrity crushes with the girls I think are the prettiest! Just in time for Valentines Day! Just incase you don't recognize the faces....
  • James Marsden + Reese Witherspoon
  • Nick Carter + Carrie Underwood
  • Paul Walker + Scarlett Johansson
  • Micheal Schoeffling + Alice Faye

It is about time.

I am so excited to start this blog. I will be posting what I love to do most--CREATE! I truly believe that life was meant to be beautiful. God has given us the ability to see, smell, touch, taste, hear and even create beauty! I will post my creations ranging from from poems, to recipes to cakes and maybe even some accessories! The options are truly endless! Maybe one day I may even create my own human!!! :P Just to kick things off, I will post some of my creations thus far.

  1. "mipretty" was originally a business that I opened where I prepared the hair and makeup of bridal parties. When I closed the business, I kept the blog and I continue to post my thoughts on what it means to me to be pretty.
  2. My Friend Josh and I one day decided to write a song. He raps...and well. I don't. ha ha so I suggested that we do a "ghetto superstar" style. Anyway, this is what we came up with. "In Your Eyes"
  3. I LOVE making videos. Here is one of my favorites...It was the video caption of my and Jenn's trips to California in 2008! Click Here
That is enough for now. Stay tuned for more!
